
Latest Meeting

Hey all!

Well school is in full swing and I think everyone is looking forward to fall break already. But a new school year also means College Dems meetings.

Our first meeting of the semester was yesterday (8/30) and it was a great introduction meeting. We would like to thank everyone who attended. If you missed that meeting then don't fret because we will be having bi-monthly meetings so you can catch the meeting for next Tuesday which will be September 14th.

I don't have the official minutes of out last meeting, but we basically had an introduction to what we're about and the things we will be involved with this semester and a little bit of what we will be involved with for next semester.

To begin with we will be having an impromptu meeting on Friday September 3rd at the UC auditorium. Mike McWherter will be speaking to us and answering any questions we might have in a pseudo-town hall style format.

Next up, we will be tailgating on Saturday September 4th for the UT Martin game. We will likely begin at around 2 and will be going up until game time. The tailgate will be located at the base of Hodges Library on the Pedestrian Walkway across the street from the Business building. Mike McWherter will be stopping by as will many of the other local candidates. We look forward to seeing you there.

Lastly, if anyone is headed to Boomsday on Sunday, please send an email to Jeremy Walker at Walkerja20@gmail.com

He would like to hand out Randy Walker for State Senate T-shirts for you to wear. Randy Walker is running against Stacey Campfield in a local election.

Other than that, I think I've covered everything. The next speaker will be announced shortly for the 14th meeting. You should seen meeting times posted around campus as well.

Until next time,
College Dems