

Fellow Democrats,

For those of you who participated in our "fun-raiser" social event last night, thank you so much.  It was a smashing success!  We brought in $178 in donations which is a substantial sum of cash to put in our coffers.  It looks like we will be throwing several more "fun-raisers" before the semester is up so if you missed the last one, don't fret.  You will have plenty of opportunities to network with other like-minded individuals.

Next week we really don't have anything planned, but stay tuned as we may organize something yet.

Don't forget that Saturday is the Federation of College Democrats convention and we have a great ticket of Bobby Patton and Jennifer Baldwin who are running for President and Vice President, respectively.  We need to have a big showing of support for them to show how powerful our chapter is and how dedicated our members are.  Also, Erica Perry, our Membership Director, is running for Minority Outreach Chair so she will need our support as well.

Here's the bad news though...  Because of the time and location of the convention, the carpool leaving for Nashville is leaving at 4:30am.  If you want to join in, just be in the TRec's parking lot by then and you too can join the fun.  The dress will be business casual.  Post on our facebook wall if you need help or have questions.

Until next time,
Vote Democrat

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